Tuesday, September 2, 2008

03/09/2008 Simlpy a thought of mine

Now is 02/09/2008 2:38am...

I would like to say that creating this blog is simply a thought of mine while I am still awake here and don't know what to surfing of.
I never think of creating a blog before this although I am a fulltime software programmer becos... don't know what to do with it and I would be definitely too busy to keep it ALIVE as I thought.

But thank to my little girl who cannot fall into sleep until 1 hour ago. Making her mother cannot sleep as well.
(The fact is her mother just wanna burn some more fat after she has taken supper while keeping her company instead of going into sleep right away after the supper. o^_^o .)
Hopefully I am managed to update my blog oftenly while I am home. (Begin to understand why people write blog... I feel happy while typing this stuff. )
To friend who I haven't met for quite sometimes, here is MY NEW PHASE OF CONNECTION TO YOU ALL and YOU ALL TO THE OTHERS.

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