Monday, December 7, 2009

November 2009 Trip - Sekinchan and Putrajaya

这个假期我们来了个3天2夜的旅行,目的地包括了:田园风光--适耕庄、现代行政区--布城,和历史古城--马六甲。 可说是行程丰富、多元化,让我们“大饱眼福、口福和谋杀菲林”的旅行。
去适耕庄是今年初曾和家人提过的, 但没成行,因为去了金马伦。可是网上浏览过的美丽稻田景色一直在脑海里呼唤着我,所以我跟家人说这个年尾假期要去适耕庄一趟。

决定之后上网找资料、找住宿。这里就不提适耕庄出名什么了,因为网上有关资料多的是,只不过能找到的旅店只有这间Harbour View Hotel 了。我们就住这吧!看起来还挺新的。 而事实上这旅店还真的“价廉物美”。同时也问了来自适耕庄的同事YS Low怎么去那里和一些搞不懂的事,才知道他的两个朋友正巧也在同一天坐他的车去游览他的故乡!其中一个是我也认识的Ms Lau,我就约他们在那里见面。

27/11 /2009
(一)芙蓉新顺发肉骨茶 (这可是咱家第一次在早上吃肉骨茶!)
(二)Kuala Selangor - Bukit Melawati 瓜拉雪兰莪的皇家山

(三)The Curve 吃午餐和shopping
(四)Check in Nilai Springs Resort Hotel
(六)KLIA 晚餐 (计划之外,因为在布城找不到吃的地方。)

(一)马六甲的Eye On Malaysia摩天轮、娘惹午餐和shopping


Where We Stayed and What We Ate (27-28 Nov 2009)

Harbour View Hotel at Sekinchan is located at the traffic light. You see it first when arrive the junction coming from Kuala Selangor. Value for money. Room is clean and no smelly. They don't use carpet, a wise choice.

Nilai Springs Resort Hotel is cozy and valuable for the prize. A nice choice for family with kids. View is beautiful and air is fresh in morning because it located beyond the town.

建旗海鲜饭店 The dishes may look the same in fact they were different taste. I love the tender fish meat in the soup. The fish ball is nice too. This is truly a fish meal I never had before ! :=) Should not miss this restaurant when you are here. They open from morning until afternoon.

源盛隆餐馆 The restaurant we went was in the street beside 建旗饭店. The cooking was all right but the crab was a bit small to me. =) Maybe it because we were the last group of customer on that day. The waitress said there was very crowded since 4pm. So they got to close the shop earlier that day. It's better to go in large group so you can order more dishes like what I saw other people having.

Nancy House The Nonya Food Restaurant at jonker street, almost full when we arrived. Very good business on that day. They earned it because all dishes are yummy! Shall come back again next time.

Kuala Selangor - Bukit Melawati (27 Nov 2009)

This was the place recommended by Low. After google on internet, I decided to pay a visit there to look for the golden baby monkey as said. This is an unique point about these monkeys.

Sekinchan 适耕庄 - Pantai Redang 热浪海滩 (27 Nov 2009 Evening)
Sekinchan 适耕庄 - Pantai Redang 热浪海滩 (27 Nov 2009 Afternoon)
Sekinchan 适耕庄 - Paddy Field (27 Nov 2009 Evening)
Sekinchan 适耕庄 - Paddy Field (28 Nov 2009 Morning)
Sekinchan 适耕庄 - 海口
Putrajaya (28 Nov 2009)
Melacca (29 Nov 2009)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


我喜欢唱歌,因 为唱歌能使心情变得更好,也能疏解心中郁闷。虽然歌声不是很动听,可是每当有音乐在脑海奏起,嘴巴就不由自主地哼唱起来。


工作的时候也一样。在新加坡的公司工作时,我们这班web design dept的人在工作的时候是离不开音乐的,有时还跟同事和唱起来,那段日子每天都很开心。新加坡藉的同事还曾揶揄地说:“如果在巴士站听到有人在一边等车一边唱歌的话,那他肯定是马来西亚人。因为多数新加坡人不会在公共场合无视旁人,自顾自地唱起歌来,还乐在其中呢!” (瞧!我们马来西亚人才真是懂得如何寻找简单快乐的人哪!)





Monday, August 17, 2009



最近几个月都没有去人多的购物中心逛街了,起初是因为家里的小孩轮流生病,之后是H1N1的厉害关系。看到无辜的人因它引起并发症失去生命而惋惜的同时,更加提醒自己要小心,因为小孩及先生都属于高风险的一群,人多的地方的确能免则免。因此,现在购买家用物品都选择利邻里的商店,比如“地大”百货商店,物品价格不会贵而且靠近吾家。像我们这样做的人将会增加的,那么邻里商店的生意应该也会有所增加吧? 所谓危机既是商机也就是如此吧!(但也不要胡乱起价狠刮一笔。)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sweet Like Chocolate

My just married youngest brother and sister-in-law.

These are chocolates with printing of their picture as a thankful gift to the guests.
( RM3.00 each. Contact me if you are interested. )

Monday, July 27, 2009










Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cameron Highland 2009

Hotel Titiwangsa at Brinchang.

After Sungai Palas BOH Tea Centre, we headed to Ipoh town for "芽菜鸡" and some other famous local foods. The "芽菜鸡" = 豆芽 & 菜园鸡, shall not miss when you come to Ipoh. (Ipoh is about 75km away from Brinchang. )

But too bad that many popular restaurants rest on Sunday, like 新源隆 coffee shop, so we only went to "天津饮冰室".

Cameron Highland Trip - Sungai Palas BOH Tea Centre (31/05/09)

Our second target of this trip. I have seen many pictures on internet and have been attracted by the modern design tea shop and fascinating view of the tea plant.

We departed from hotel around 8.20am. We wanted to be early bird so we had ample time for photo sessions and avoided the crowd since this is the hotest spot in CH.

It closes on every Monday.

More pictures click here >

Cameron Highland Trip - Ye Olde Smoke House (30/05/09)

This is the 1st destination of this journey. Standing alongside the Golf Course. Consider the most famous building in CH. Serving the best English scones, strawberry jam and steaks. So does the pricing. hey...
Checking the pricing of England Tea & scones set, and dinner. The prices are stunning!
Good place for taking picture outside the door way but cannot get into the lush garden unless you are their patrons or you have obtained their permission.

Where is our son? (The cameron man who took thispicture.)

Beautiful plant.

Cameron Highlang Trip - On The Way (30/05/09)

This is our second visit to CH since 2005.

Again, we went there by the old route (Tapah - CH) because the scenery of both new and old route are much different, and we also would like to know the latest development of the old route.

We departed from Kulai at 6.30am, arrived Tanah Rata at 3pm. Because we ever stick in the traffic jam somewhere at Rawang.

Following the old route, you will pass by the Lata Iskandar Waterfall, where you may drop by here as there are some stalls beside the road selling honeys, flowers, petai, souvenir, snacks and drinks. The waterfall is visible from the road. But we didn't stop by since we were late and hadn't have our lunch.

Click here if you wan tto know more about Lata Iskandar Waterfall.

Below are the pictures taken at a tea shop few miles away from Tanah Rata. If I am not wrong, this tea shop and the tea plant belong to Bhara.

<- View from the Tea Shop.

As I was feeling a bit dizzy and like to have something to fill my empty stomach, my sister-in-law bought us 2 cakes and 2 cups of tea. Can you guess this cost her how much?
RM22 !!! (Wow! Very expensive right?)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Homepage that never being published

These are the picture that I created for my second homepage - Mandy's Soho.
It runs on ASP. But it's no longer on the internet now.

I drew the cat, the cup, the computer, keyboard, mouse, the leaves and flowers, the desk and the sign board of Mandy's Soho. All these were done by Photo Shop.

All drew by Photo Shop except the castle, the woman and the guys.

This was the homepage. All drew with Photo Shop.

I wonder if I can work out something like above anymore now....

Friday, May 8, 2009










(关丹的IT Manager,39岁,最近也被诊断患上了鼻癌第二期,目前正接受中西合并治疗。但愿他及家人皆能打胜这场人生之战。)

Monday, May 4, 2009

02/05/2009 Kluang ZenXin Organic Farm

Last minute we decided to make a trip to ZenXin after Jia got the information and route from internet.

We had our lunch at Kluang town since we liked to explore Kluang Town as well.

To view more pictures, please click here:

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Enjoyed the Morning Breeze at Tanjung Balau on 14/03/2009





Sunday, March 22, 2009

Keep Life Simple After Being Retrenchment

From blog of friend, I got to know Qimonda was officially closed yesterday. I can feel what he felt when he heard "... You are no longer employee of Qimonda..."

Because I was once being retrenched in 2001. It was a retrenchment effective in 24 hours. Who was in the list was called one after another came out from GM's room. Nobody knew who was going to be the next. Unfortunately, I was the last name to be called.

Everyone was shocked because it happened in such a unexpected situation. "Didn't we just have our office expanded?" "And hadn't we taken few software programmers not long ago?" "Is it really that bad?" At one time, there were so many questions in my mind and others'. I could not believe that I got to leave this company and my dearest colleagues and teams in such a hurry.

Our eyes were red and wet. We were speechless because we knew once we said some words, we couldn't stop our tears. It's really a hardwork for me to say farewell to others. I forgot how I left the office that evening ...

But it was not over, as it's about knock off time, I got to come back tomorrow to bring away my stuffs. I had to come back again, to pack my stuffs, and said good bye again to colleagues who were stayed.

"Do you have so many things to be cleared up from your workplace?"

Yeah, I used to deco my workspace with personal stuffs so I felt belonging. But it is not anymore since then, except those to be tuck-in. I learn that workspace is just a place to work, job can be gone in second, I shall not keep too many personal things so I can take minor time to clean it before I leave. So is life, which is full of uncertainty!

We shall keep things (and secret) as little as possible so we can leave at any time without bother. But we shall keep good memories as many as we can so we can take it away with our breath.

However, being retrenched is not a damn bad thing in life. And it's definitely not a evaluation of your past performance in works. It's a chance for you to re-plan your future and adjust your mind. Take this chance to learn the uncertainty of life. So you would cherish your next chance of being recruited. So you won't easily give up your coming job in future.

Always be aware of the impact which economy crisis can bring to you. Do you have enough saving to survive while jobless? Luckily I could depend on my husband who worked while I were jobless. But who you can depend on if you don't have enough saving?

To whoever has lost their job, I do wishing you good lucks, always be optimistic and having enough saving to overcome the hard time.

Keep up your strength for next fight! And keep your life simple from now on.

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Year 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!

Today I am at home because I am taking my MC leave after undergoing the minor surgery yesterday to remove a lump from my breast. I had it one in my right breast 10 years ago. This time it is found in my left breast. I just discovered it early of January 2009. Well, a HAPPY NEW YEAR gift to me... what a shock to me when my hand felt a lump in my left breast! Oh, God, please bless me so it's not a harmful one. The report will come out on 21/01/2009. Doctor said it should be fine. Ok.

Friend complained that I haven't updated my blog for few months already... really no time for that because my little girl will disturb me as she is interested in pressing keyboard and moving the mouse. Besides, I am not a night cat and I can't fight with the sleep God just for updating my blog. (^.^) Btw, our PC at home is damn slow! We have no intent to upgrade it in short time.

(I and Yen are same kind. We seldom switch on our PC at home after work, after facing the monitor while day in the office. Unless.... we are still single. ha...)

My girl is getting up soon. Got to stop here. BYE!

26/10/2008, Tanjung Balau again. (^_^)